Well i saw yuki had a few poems up and i decided to see how yall like mine. Warning, i LOVE writing and i usually go very dark with them even tho im one of the more upbeat ppl ull ever meet. Well heres a shot, if yall like this one i wrote in about 5-10min, ill post some of the ones i spent more time on. Its not my best but not my worse. Besides, im a hellishprophet, i gatta be good with dark wording :P Wall
My wall stands tall
Strong and powerful
No words or rocks you throw will harm me
No way shall anything make it fall
The hoards of the fallen
The hoards of the ascended
Descend upon my walls
Battered and bruised
My wall stands tall
They come to help
Others come to hurt
But they wont get to me
For its still there
When the day comes
That my wall may fall
When a force makes it crumble
Falling to the ground
Destroying everything i know
Exposing myself to the world
Letting all who dare pass
Things come and fill me
As i throw them away
From the rubble of insecurities
The wall rises again
Stronger and taller
Forcing all who know back
Back away behind
Its my shelter from them
Its my barrier from hurt
Its my shield from love
Its my home behind it all
There was a time before this wall
Before it was even needed
It was needed for i was vulnerable
I was vulnerable because i was foolish
Opening up my soul for them to devour
Feeding off like many did
Leaving gluttonously happy
As i wither on the ground
Foolishness kept me there
Their demons became mine
My life became their toy
A toy and nothing more
When all left and went
Laying there consumed
Wishing to stop the suffering
But it only continued
That was my only use
My purpose
My life
My all
All have left
They had their fill
Waiting for more
The constant hunger
Cant take it no more
Cant handle it no more
Cant withstand the pressure no more
Cant understand my reason no more
Standing there i start
Brick by Brick
The wall forms
The wall rises
Demons waiting to consume
Angles wanting to heal
None can enter
For my wall is finished
The savior is lost
Drowned by hell
Hope sinks with him
So do I
Shaking and rattling
Trembling and weeping
Cracking and Contorting
They bang on the wall
Day and Night
Trying to breach
To feed once again
Never again
Looking over the edge
Fiends prowl
Horrors scream
Demons lurk
Should i jump
Leaving the safety of my wall
That has kept me sane
Sane, if you can even call it that
As the wind hits my face
As the shadows grow
As my soul descends
The wall falls away
And I wonder
Is it all worth it