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Fixing Desyncs and Disconnects
ZoatDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 2:14:25 AM | Message # 1
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Hello everyone, I know most of us on here have been having the Desync and Disconnect errors each game so I've been searching through forum after forum and with bnet support trying to find possible solutions. What I have found so far seems to indicate firewall port settings and I have been slowly adding each port to test if one resolves the problem. If you want to try this just go into firewall and then exceptions and click add port.

Results: 2 games so far with no disconnect

Port settings:
Open TCP (necessary hosting from 6112-6119 on firewall and in router)

additonal from bnet support:
116 *added today
118 *added today

With all of these open I have been able to both host a game and not have disconnect and play a game without disconnect. Don't know if its just a coincidence but I thought with more people testing we could find out. Some of the ports I have listed (mainly just 3724) are listed for WoW but with the new change over to bnet that I keep reading about, it seemed like worth a try. So post if you give it a try with your results or just what you have heard so I can test it more. Thanks

Added (11.03.2009, 11:14 Am)
Test 3:

Users from NZ, AU, US, host in US

All stayed connected through load and cinematic, highest ping reached of 633, 2 mins in I loaded and shortly after users from US and AU disconnected likely due to server split

TrueShadowDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 3:15:14 AM | Message # 2
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That's weird, never thought it was a port problem. I always thought d/s and d/c were issues resulting from some coding on the map (not liked by the current version of WC3) or some effects used in a weird way in the map. I'll open 3724, 116, and 118 and see if it helps on my bot. I don't think 6112-6119 series would matter as long as you have the one you are hosting with open. (I bet those Bnet support help guys don't really know what they are talking about and just giving you the usual rundown).

valkierDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 3:32:21 AM | Message # 3
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I'm gonna go ahead and sticky this since as of right now, it's the best solution we have. Thank you Zoat.
TrueShadowDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 4:50:40 AM | Message # 4
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Got done testing, I opened these ports, still desynced. It's a map coding/effects problem most likely.

ViralParadoxDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 8:25:46 AM | Message # 5
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It definitely the map because i can host other games and 61b easily with out disconnecting or desyncing
ZoatDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 9:32:21 AM | Message # 6
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2 more tests, both had atleast one disconnect but only for CoT 2 tried with and without delay reducer, and banlist, have also hosted a few hero wars, archers wars, rkr's all without problem. I am starting to wonder if the opening cinematic has anything to do with it since many of the disconnects (aside from test 3) have occurred following the cinematic.

On a positive note, the disconnects I had been receiving while in chat appear to have stopped. Can anyone else that had the chat disconnect problem verify any change?

Message edited by Zoat - Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 9:37:09 AM
SeihaiSensouDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 1:10:57 PM | Message # 7
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I've found a problem that causes me to disconnect. I've been able to repeat this several times as many different colors, all over LAN to avoid firewall issues.

One of the mobs, namely a Forgotten One, consistently disconnects users in the game when it lands an attack with it's fireball (may cause desyncs in bnet games?). It may be a problem relevant to all of them, but at least the one located en route to the 287 ice troll if you left straight from town (third one from the top on the minimap). Interestingly enough, it did not disconnect the Red slot (hosting slot as well), but rather my non-hosting computer. The red slot is the one that was attacked by the Forgotten One that caused the disconnect however.

Maybe there is a spell effect or trigger somewhere related to that mob that is present in other areas that causes some of the disconnects / desyncs?

Message edited by SeihaiSensou - Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 1:26:10 PM
Blood-HauntedDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 3:01:07 PM | Message # 8
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Hmm as you guys saw, i also had this problem, but then i did some tests. And i've come up with a command that should be done in this game, we all know that we all farm as mad, kill moobs and so on, well items that drop from them are more or less the reason that people get disced, some may have, or may not have good or bad comp, so every comp has it's limit, i've tested this on 10 comps so far, from bad ones, to good ones, as a host that is.
As soon as a number of items on the map get to a certain number, people start geting disced, same goes if you summon a lot of wisps to get you wood. About the moob that you talked about the Forgotten One, aye i do agree on that one also, same thing happend here. So the command should be, hmm that all items get remove, and that the game pauses for like 3 sec, something like that, or that the total limit of items on the map should always be the same, as it goes, the first one that drops is the first it will dissapear. Simple, the whole game slows quite badly when a lot of items are on the map. That's more or less that i've come up with so far, it helps a bit, if you lower you game sistem a bit, but that's about it. Dont know if any of you tested this.
TrueShadowDate: Tuesday, 2009-11-03, 3:06:55 PM | Message # 9
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Disconnects and desyncs occur usually at the beginning over bnet games when there is very few units and very few items on ground.

SeihaiSensouDate: Wednesday, 2009-11-04, 4:47:34 AM | Message # 10
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^Obsolete now.
As far as not disconnecting in chat and the like, that probably was fixed by your port change.

UPDATE: I've done some more runs, and it's happening even without the stuns. It's almost always in the Eastern part of the map, and it seems like that entire area has some issues. Additionally, the Fireballs from the towers in the Orc camp are not d/c'ing me, which kind of debunks my theory of a "casted stun bug". Definitely always happens when I'm attacked by a Forgotten One though.

Basically, I:
1. Loaded up
2. Added points into Bash and Unholy Aura
3. Teleported using Aura of the Gods to

^^ Key Spoiler ^^

5. Killed the SHF Yeti. (added)
6. Disconnected.

Nothing else was done as far as I know (actually, I did kill the Yeti as mentioned below).

ADDITIONAL EDIT: Found the problem I experienced above: It is from the Super Happy Fun Yeti. Several times I have killed it, and several times I have d/ced. Going to do some trials to see if having the quest or not affects it (it does not, after further testing). It only occurs after it dies, not at the reincarnation or engagement.

So, I would say if one were to look over the Forgotten One and the Super Happy Fun Yeti, maybe he could find some anomalies that cause d/c's.

For what it is worth, I've been playing a good little while without disconnects by not loading my Death Knight hero right after the game cinematic. I've been able to stay connected even through all of the previous things I've mentioned...I waited about 15 minutes before loading him and now there are 0 problems. Color me confused. All I can think of is the initialization isn't panning out quite like it is supposed to, which is why people DC early and often. I remember it was a problem back in the old PoM as well, before there was a cinematic. Almost always an instant DC from at least one of the players. Waiting before loading is the only difference between my test now and my tests earlier. This would make a lot more sense than my earlier "Being level 38 on a Sunday at 3:18 PM EST as a Death Knight attacking a Troll" style of thinking.

I apologize for the evolution of this post from one idea to another; I've just been posting my findings as I come across them.

Message edited by SeihaiSensou - Wednesday, 2009-11-04, 8:27:53 AM
ZoatDate: Wednesday, 2009-11-04, 1:41:59 PM | Message # 11
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No problems from me for evolving the idea I welcome and thank you for all the new thoughts on it, this thread is to come up with and test solutions to the d/c errors. Its better than one person just taking a shot in the dark each time.

As for my testing, I have recently tried staying as host and not loading, 2/3 times no drops happened however it was for groups of 5 or less.
delay reducer and blist appear to have no effect on the desync/disconnects

Have started testing using Zbot, and have had similar results. While I thought it could be the ports, changing them has had very little effect for stability in the map itself.

On a side note, while in a clan channel on US East last night the clan bot noted that there could be problems with bnet, as many records/stats were unavailable at the moment.

TrueShadowDate: Thursday, 2009-11-05, 5:11:31 AM | Message # 12
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Quote (SeihaiSensou)
So, I would say if one were to look over the Forgotten One and the Super Happy Fun Yeti, maybe he could find some anomalies that cause d/c's.

What this man says is true. AMAZING find. Butcher found this to be occuring also on a separate investigation without knowing about this post. Kudos to you both.

Darkchaos, please remove the Super Happy Fun Yeti and the Forgotten Ones for now. They are not the only reason d/s and d/c occurs, but it is an important part if two separate people came up with the same conclusion.

Edit: Furthermore, there is something in the orc camp that can also cause desync. It doesn't happen all the time, but a desync occured when nothing was happening except one person was attacking orc camp. Everyone else was sitting still.

Message edited by Kevvin - Thursday, 2009-11-05, 5:27:05 AM
ButcherDate: Thursday, 2009-11-05, 5:23:26 AM | Message # 13
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its either them or somthing els, on 7 diff occasions while farming legion i would blink from top middle to bot (w savior), n each time during the middle key, it would cause desynch

other then that, while trying to show it to kevv, desynch accured while some1 was killing the hord encampment.

Edit again, read your above posts about cast able stuns, it isn't. i've gone through with avatar up and still had the problem.

Message edited by Butcher - Thursday, 2009-11-05, 5:43:37 AM
SeihaiSensouDate: Thursday, 2009-11-05, 9:22:46 AM | Message # 14
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I also encountered the problem at the horde camp. Specifically, it was right when the green Blademaster used Mirror Image. I had and still have no problems after waiting a while before loading however.
KniveslivesDate: Thursday, 2009-11-05, 11:51:28 AM | Message # 15
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I have noticed a specific pattern with some of the disconnects.

Such as I tried loading up Warcraft III with Ubuntu and Wine, loaded the map just fine, however once I hit the cinematic I dropped. Something similar happens to a friend of mine that uses a Macintosh, I assume still that it's something to do with the opening cinematic.

As for the desyncs, I have noticed it's probably a map issue, because I've had desyncs even in games where there's only one other person besides myself in the game, nowhere near as often though.

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