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1.31b Feedback
yeoldturnipDate: Tuesday, 2017-07-04, 11:21:12 PM | Message # 16
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This is about 1.31.4 and things I've noticed so far after brief tests

1. Arcane Warrior's Inner Fire tooltip says it lasts 60 seconds, but it only lasts like 15 seconds. I think it incorrectly says 60 instead of 15 because a 60 second buff like that with 100% uptime would be INSANE, but appreciated on a character with such weak kill power.
2. Infernal's 5th W level is unlisted in the description
3. Gold Harvesting upgrade tooltip is wrong and has been for awhile, at least for the Medean Empire. It says it increases the carry amount by 10, but only increases it by 5.
4. High Priest has a new but unincluded skill: Holy Weapon. Is something going to come of that?
5. From lvl 1 to lvl 300 and into Chaos I never saw an item that required 150. Maybe I just missed them?

Will add more as I think of them

6. Master Rogue's Death Strike no longer teleports her behind her victim like it did in the last version, but still has the blink effect, range increase, and damage delay, further wasting the already low stun time.

[Edit]Also, I just noticed that whenever you use Death Strike, the damage it does is put on screen as a quickly fading piece of text, but the same kind of text you'd see when you used -stat. Whatever happened to the blink, it's been replaced with a pointless piece of text.

[Edit v2.0] It only does that with level 3 Death Strike for some reason though. Strange, very strange. Also the damage and stun doubling on level 4 isn't very smooth scaling.

7. Vengeful Test Paladin doesn't drop his hammer on death. There is a brief appearance of what could be his hammer, but then it just disappears. Maybe its just a trick on my eyes, but the hammer definitely just isn't there when he dies. He has become too vengeful.
8. Assassin's Dagger Storm ® is now having even wonkier projectile issues and they are all appearing INSIDE the Assassin before shooting off into a fan shape in the targeted direction.
9. I'm not sure if this is an issue but Phoenix Ranger's model is acting weird on my end. His face looks a little more... broken than usual, and his hair is clipping through his hood. I wasnt even aware he had hair.
10. Dark Summoner's Summon Demon Hounds (Q) Tooltip doesn't update to say how many hounds are summoned. It still says 4 are summoned on lvl 3 despite summoning 4, 6, then 8.

Ayy lmao

Message edited by yeoldturnip - Tuesday, 2017-07-04, 11:39:40 PM
aduialdirDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 9:15:35 AM | Message # 17
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1.31.4b Bugs
When Dark Summoner's summons die in struggle it ends struggle
Dark Savior's Dark Sword only works from levels 1 to 3, stops having any effect at level 4
Dark Saviors Medean Lightning works like a forked lightning instead of a chain lightning like the tooltip says
You can buy Demitshir's Base from the Chaotic Homes shop, despite it being a normal mode home
yeoldturnipDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 10:00:28 AM | Message # 18
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Quote aduialdir ()
Dark Saviors Medean Lightning works like a forked lightning instead of a chain lightning like the tooltip says
Actually, it functions like both. Its a chained forked lightning. It hits the first target, then spreads to several more targets around it. I actually prefer it working like this, to keep some semblance of AoE power and make it a greater parallel to the Savior's abilities.
Quote aduialdir ()
You can buy Demitshir's Base from the Chaotic Homes shop, despite it being a normal mode home
I assumed this was for people who had gone to chaos but couldn't afford Satan's Abode. Its happened to me a few times.

Added (2017-07-05, 10:00:28 AM)
Really, we just need someone to go through all the tooltips and do a tooltip overhaul so that they're all properly spelled, consistently worded, and true to their intentions.

Ayy lmao
aduialdirDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 10:59:19 AM | Message # 19
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Also Dark Summoner should get some way to do some sort of spell damage or heal its pets or something. Even with full available int stuff in normal mode, DS has trouble dealing damage to bosses, plus whenever you spawn felhounds the bosses use an overpowered AoE. Also even in chaos mode the summons are kind've underwhelming even after you get summoning improvement. Also taunt from meat golem is pathetically ineffective. It distracts mobs from felhounds for half a second at most if you're lucky.
yeoldturnipDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 12:46:43 PM | Message # 20
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Apparently someone sub-300 can tp to people in the Chaotic world by going to the containment world, suiciding, reviving, and then teleporting to someone in the Chaotic world. I guess when they die their vision shifts to the Chaotic world for some reason. This should probably get fixed.

Ayy lmao
aduialdirDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 1:23:27 PM | Message # 21
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The Medean Lightning of Dark Savior doesn't always hit multiple targets even if there's multiple targets available in range. I think the trigger recognizes corpses as valid targets and attempts to hit them and obviously fails.
devilxshadow9982Date: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 5:04:56 PM | Message # 22
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Occasionally, the -rv command breaks and refuses to work stating that the hero is not dead stating a number that counts down a 001.000 per -rv command use.
yeoldturnipDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-05, 11:38:35 PM | Message # 23
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For some reason, Infernal's Q and W only do 25% of their damage to units with heroic armor. Tested on Ogres, Tauren, Medians Devourers, and Ogre Kings, and hero units.

Ayy lmao

Message edited by yeoldturnip - Thursday, 2017-07-06, 12:37:58 PM
devilxshadow9982Date: Thursday, 2017-07-06, 5:03:30 PM | Message # 24
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PRs abilities need a tune for balancing purposes, the chance based spells chances need to go up a bit if not be like 25%, while i love PR his damage comes from crits and that's fairly underwhelming if it happens once every mine or so unless you're extremely lucky, flaming bow could use a damage boost as well as an icon in the heroes ability line stating how much damage it provides, that also seems very underwhelming.
xxxrasherxxxDate: Monday, 2017-08-07, 2:24:13 AM | Message # 25
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I have 2 questions about 1.31.7b version,thunderblade hero doesn't have stats (yellow plus) in skills,it`s right or bug. And second, in some changelogs I read about lvl 150 tier 1,what it`s mean?
Sandman366Date: Tuesday, 2017-08-08, 6:42:30 AM | Message # 26
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Quote xxxrasherxxx ()
thunderblade hero doesn't have stats (yellow plus) in skills

Sure would be nice if people noticed on the hero selection it says "This hero does not get Attribute Bonus". (It only really matters before level 10 or 20 or something right now anyway.)(

Quote xxxrasherxxx ()
lvl 150 tier

Means supposed to be some items with level req of 150, though maybe I just didn't search hard enough, but I didn't see them.

Malevolent criminal I,
when the vision paints my mind.
Cross the invisible line...
...and you'll be paid in kind.
lollilollolDate: Friday, 2017-08-11, 6:09:07 PM | Message # 27
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Don't know if anyone said it yet, but there's a bug with saving plat coins. I have a file that says _p76 at the end and I'm pretty sure I had around 76 coins when I saved. When I load the code, though, the game says I only have 26.
Also I had divine grace weather in chaos. Not complaining, but I don't know if it's intended.
xxxrasherxxxDate: Monday, 2017-08-14, 4:19:34 AM | Message # 28
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version 1.31.7b
assassin`s smoke bomb useless skill at all lvl,can you make it more effective or change for another?
why I can take two same sets? in old version`s with 4 horror set`s I can lvlup on void mobs,now only with one demon,horror and useless despair set,with bard in team I can lvlup on void mobs
thunderblade have slow animation of attack and didn't have stats,assassin too in chaotic world attack so slow if weather snow or fog,only rogue (and maybe PR) can attack max fast with this weather,make faster attack animation for assassin and thunderblade
if its possible remove ability use same sets of chaotic world
make quest for low lvl gearup
when new version? thx for answer
kiklerDate: Tuesday, 2017-08-15, 6:06:58 AM | Message # 29
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version 1.31.7b

There is a bug with the respawn of the several bosses in the normal world.
If you fight the bosses that switch forms after some time like dragoon or mist and kill them while they are transformed they wont respawn.

If you manage to kill them before their transformation (by managing to deal high enough damage fast enough) they will respawn normally.

Message edited by kikler - Tuesday, 2017-08-15, 6:36:28 AM
shake117Date: Monday, 2017-08-21, 7:42:06 AM | Message # 30
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Hello, I am constantly getting this error message and the game ends where I want to load my char is what it can be. My memory is new and total 16gb

Pic to Error

Sorry for my english ^^

Added (2017-08-21, 1:17:25 AM)
Ok have found the error, I had an old version of Wc3 on it and therefore came the error, with the new version but everything works.Wish you a nice week and thank you for the super card it still makes a lot of fun happy 

salute2  salute  salute1

Added (2017-08-21, 7:42:06 AM)
why i become no save code by -save

Message edited by shake117 - Saturday, 2017-08-19, 11:16:17 AM

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