3 main reasons as to why I believe RagnerAngel has hacked. 1; lvl 826 in 34 minutes...well why not? I'm sure that's doable, right?
2; lvl 826 with a lvl 900 req item...can the item lvl req be messed up? It's possible...i know despair items now say lvl 475 req when they still req lvl 500
3; ah yes, my favorite...Legendary Thanatos Wings +5. A must have for hackers of COT everywhere.
Now, I began to wonder about him as soon as he joined the lobby, because he almost immediately started going on about how he was lvl 200 just yesterday, and his friend logged onto his acct to play for him. Must have stated this 2-3 times before game started, and another 2-3 times in game. So, needless to say, that's the first thing that prompted me to pstats him as soon as he loaded.
regardless of that, I have 3 screenshots and 1 replay ( in the game now, so y'all have to wait for the replay, and don't worry, since i took my bot of auto hosting due to spoof problems I turned auto save replay back on, a nifty feature if you need me to look up some things that happened on CuteBott you believe questionable. ) Though he did leave and log off of uswest before i could tell him he could come plead his case here :/
but hey, on the upside, now i know what lvl i have to be to upgrade than wings to +5 :3