This thread is for people who want to introduce themselves with their IRL (in real life) photos.
Please remember to follow all forum rules.
See, forums like this go on and on, and you end up having conversations with a lot of people and you never really know what they look like. This is just so you can have some sense of who your talking to.
Lol, this aint happening for me :P Even on my Gaian account (which i've spent the last 1-3 years roleplaying on) I was really elusive about posting my pictures :3 Those who are smart enough have found a way to see my pics, is all i'm saying. <3 I'm not obsessed with Cute things......I just like them better then everything else <3
If they want to introduce themselves with a pic, they can put that into their own introduction thread. This is the second time I have had to tell you this. Please dont bring it up again.
I have told you twice already, and I will state it a third time. THIS WILL NOT GO INTO THE INTRODUCTIONS THREAD. If people want to add pics to their personal introductions that's fine. Hell, I'll add a freaking pic thread if someone would suggest it. But I will not put this thread back into the Introductions section. I reluctantly gave Clan CM its own section with the agreement with Kevvin that my authority would not be challenged by his members. And here you are AGAIN telling me to put this back there. In fact, you told me to, not even asked me to the second time.
Quote (Ceshun)
se be a friend and move it up there and delete this post afterwords
This discussion is over. This is the third time that I have told you no. Tell me to put it back there or even ask me to again, and I will give you a temporal posting ban AND rethink my decision to let Clan CM have a forum area.