In Battle League Harumo, after failing the entrance exam and enduring two years of cram school, Akira Abe (played by Takayuki Yamada) got accepted in the prestigious Kyoto University. While on his way home with a friend one day, Akira meets a senior who invites them to a welcome party hosted by his club called the Azure Dragon. At first, the club appears to be an ordinary social group, but the new members soon discover the mysterious 1000 year-old tradition of the “Horumo” battle upheld by the four universities in Kyoto, Japan. The battle is fought between 10 players per team who each manipulate an army of 100 spirits (referred to as "Oni") to fight their opponents. The members go through rigorous training to achieve fluency in the "Oni" language as well as learn the indefinable gestures that are required to complement it.
Let the battles begin!
P.S. For the full Japanese trailer, copy the link below to your browser:
Or if you like to watch it short and English subbed try:
P.S.S. I'd recommend the first link though since the two are slightly different on the scenes featured...