V1.17B -Fixed Azazoth items not working (profiency wise)
-Fixed satans heart
-Omega P pick shows a text whenever it is used to deal damage
-nerfed azazoth hammer
-construction yard no longer trains peons
-backpack no longer takes up food
-fixed charm exploit
-fixed pet dragon doing chaotic dmg
-healing ward no longer restores life by a percentage, but rather a fixed amount of 200hp/sec
-Forgotten ai now builds unit more slowly and in general, is a little slower
-Summoner buffed in terms of his summoning improvement
-forgotten drop a new item, obtain it by killing their fortress
-forgotten nerfed
-arcane warriors vitality works now
-updated ban list (26 people banned)
-fixed no aura for lexium crystal
-fixeed no disbtn icon for lexius crystal
-lexium crystal is immo every 2 secs now isntead of every sec
-fixed description of lexium crystal
-fixed people crashing with map
-possibly fixed az items
-fixed map
- Not a lot of changeshave occured becuse im busy atm