Hey all, been meaning to register on these forums for a while, figured while I had a spare few minutes I'd register and make my first post into the PoM FoC community. Ignore my username, it's a joke between friends and I that I've grown custom to, but everyone calls me AJ for short. I've noticed several people talking about an East clan; well I'm not exactly interested in joining it as I run my own clan, but if you're ever on East and looking for a game, feel free to drop me a message. I usually play late nights with my other friends. You can contact me on Battle.Net by the username AsianJesus.
Now that that's out of the way, I just wanted to say good job with the map, I wasn't a huge fan of the original CoT PoM but this FoC version has become highly addicting and I think I'll enjoy being part of the community as it continues to grow.
Well, I'm out. Enjoy gaming all.