Make choice for the host to choose the game mode at the start.
Easy, normal XP
medium 10% extra Xp better chance of getting higher class drops off normal creeps
hard 20 % extra xp better chance of getting rare drops
Legendary 30% xp higher chance of legendary drops and possibility of getting legendary +1 Etc. Off bosses A random Character.
You start your character
as you pick your abilities you will reach a decision
You are allowed to choose between every single ability in slot 1, every ability in slot 2, every ability in slot 3, and any ultimate
To Negate this obviously overpowered idea you will get lower stats OR have de-buffs against your character set in by the game.
Fixed the spelling.
The easy normal hard thing could be okay but I don't think it would work very well on some points like the legendary +1 drops especially.