Commands: -pcoins (Shows your platinum coins)
-awood (Shows your arcadite lumber)
-pa (Shows both platinum coins and arcadite lumber)
-bppc (Buy a Portable Platinum Coin Converter that instantly converts into one Platinum Coin when you reach one million gold for 2 Platinum Coins)
-bpac (Buy a Portable Arcadite Wood Converter that instantly converts into one Arcadite Wood when you reach one million wood for 2 Arcadite Wood)
-stats (shows the stats of your character)
-pstats # (shows the stats of the player #)
-power (1-100)% (Removes all your items, and sets your stats to the percent you have chosen. If you type -power 100%, then you will get your normal items back, all items that you got in the weaker form destroyed, and all your stats will be set back to normal. Good for strong players to have the same strength as weaker players. However, if you are saving, make sure you save at your 100% power or it will save your weak form, and you will lose your strong character.)
-clear (clears your screen)